What is Powder Bed Fusion for Metal 3D Printing?

There are so many new and emerging technologies being developed for metal 3D printing that it can be hard to keep up with a dizzying array of acronyms, machines and applications. One of the most common types of metal 3D printing being used at the moment is powder bed fusion. Here’s what you need to know. […]

The Story of the Blackest Color Ever Made

Vantablack in the laboratory

Colors are all around us, from the pictures we paint to the clothes we wear. But, have you ever thought about where colors come from? Today, we’re going to discuss the science behind color transmission and absorption, as well as why it’s important for new product design and development. Understanding how light interacts with a […]

6 Early Inventions in the History of CNC Machining

Image Credit: Rhode Island Computer Museum

All CNC machines, regardless of their size or complexity, make use of the same few technical innovations – some more than one-hundred years old. By tracing the history of these innovations we can follow the trends that led to the development of the first numerically controlled machines in the late 1940s and ultimately to the […]

8 Great Engineering Christmas Gifts For Kids

Physics Workshop

Wondering what to get your aspiring scientist or engineer this year for Christmas? Well fear not, because thankfully now is a golden age for STEM toys and gifts to inspire young learners to experiment, play and discover the pleasures of figuring out how things work. We like to support more people to get involved in […]

Conformal Cooling for Plastic Injection Molding

Conformal cooling for plastic injection molding is emerging as a technology that could offer some great advantages for making mold tools. Because of this, our team at Star Rapid has been investing in research and development to provide this service in the future. Using advanced manufacturing techniques like metal 3D printing will make this solution […]

The Top 7 Design Tips For 3D Metal Printing

Rotor cutaway marked

3D metal printing can help you to create “impossible” designs that are lightweight, strong and ideal for demanding applications in aerospace, automotive, medical and more. But to get the most from metal 3D printing technology it’s critical that you adhere to certain engineering and design rules appropriate for it. Design Tip 1 – Design for […]

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