UX Secrets To Improve Your Product Designs And Prototypes

When making a product design and prototype, designers and engineers should bear in mind the lessons of user experience (UX). This is often applied to software design, but it is just as relevant to new product development and manufacturing processes. It’s the key to creating great products that are easy to use and satisfy the […]
How To Save Money With The China-Australia Free Trade Agreement

On December 20th, 2015 the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) came into effect after more than a decade of careful negotiations. Flags of China and Australia If you wish to import manufactured products or parts from China, this change will allow you to save money and become more competitive. Here are some step by step instructions […]
The Seven Major CNC Machining Techniques

Although there are many new and emerging manufacturing technologies, there is still no substitute for the reliability and efficiency of CNC machining. Every day, millions of precision parts in a variety of substrates are made using one or more of these CNC machining techniques. Let’s take a closer look at the seven most common ones […]
The Top 4 Benefits of Low-Volume Manufacturing

The world of product design continues to undergo some fundamental and even revolutionary changes. Product lifespans are getting shorter and so is the expected time to market. As a result, product developers are moving away from mass production and towards the world of low-volume manufacturing. What Is Low-Volume Manufacturing? Low-volume manufacturing involves the production of 50 to 100,000 parts, acting […]
All About The OLO 3D Printer

It seems nearly every day there’s a new 3D printer of some sort on the market, promising innovations in material, speed or size. The new OLO seems to do it all – small, light, easy to use and incredibly cheap. Is this the printer that finally brings digital manufacturing to the masses? What Is OLO? […]
What is G-Code, How Does it Work, and Why is it Important For Your Parts?

What is G-Code? G-code is the generic industry term for the computer language that most CNC machines use to control their movements and how they make parts. Let’s look at how we optimize machine programming to make parts faster while improving their quality and consistency. Haas front panel How Does G-code Work? G-code is created […]