3D Printing Makes the Lightest Materials on Earth

Boeing Corporation released a video recently announcing the development of a new metallic material, considered to be the lightest ever created. And depending on who you ask, it probably is. But over the last several years there’s been a lot of talk about which is the lightest – we keep pushing the boundaries of material […]

Star Rapid Is Service Provider Of The Year At 3D Printing World

On October 9th and 10th, Star Rapid attended the 3D Printing World Expo recently held in Mumbai, India. Here is Star’s India representative Mr. Nishant Shah (right) accepting the award for “Service Provider of the Year” from Mr. Shibu John, CEO and President of Trinity Media and Marketing Solutions. Trinity was the organizer of the event, […]

3D Printing On The Smallest Scale Possible

In which we explore the marriage between classical art, tragedy, love, science, 3D printing, inspiration and ultimately the fleeting nature of reality. Or something like that. Above is a statue in the Louvre of the Greek god Cupid reviving his sleeping lover Psyche with a kiss. In the ancient tale of Metamorphoses, Psyche is separated […]

Mid-Autumn Festival And Chinese National Day

You might think by looking at the calendar that tomorrow is Saturday the 26th of September, but that really depends on who you ask. Here in China, many folks still follow the lunar calendar rather than the solar calendar of the western world. So in China, tomorrow is the 15th day of the 8th month, […]

Global Visions of the Future of 3D Printing from China by Gordon Styles

A personal perspective with ten years of doing business and living in China Gordon Styles There is no point in me repeating information that is already widely available on the Internet and in the Wohlers Report. I went to China in 2005 with the express intention of setting up a rapid prototyping/3d printing company and […]

Machining In Miniature

18th Century Hewitt gentleman’s tool chest by William R. Robertson. Even the label on the box lid is printed on authentic 18th century paper

For thousands of years men and women have been making miniature replicas of the world around them. Whether as prototypes for full-sized engineering projects, as toys, or to test mathematical and physical concepts, small-scale replicas never fail to fascinate and enchant old and young alike. Presidents, kings and emperors have been gifted throughout the ages […]

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