AddSub: The Ideal 3D Metal Printing Solution

There’s been a lot of talk zooming around lately about the wonders of additive manufacturing and 3D metal printing, but along with that a lot of misunderstandings about the benefits of this technology for product designers, tooling engineers and prototype makers. We want to take a moment here to clarify some of the confusion and […]

Star Rapid Plays Host To Shenzhen Accelerator HAX

For the third year in a row, Star Rapid played host to a group of young entrepreneurs and visionaries who were part of the “accelerator” program of HAX of Shenzhen, China. This year was the best yet, demonstrating Star’s commitment to reaching out to the larger prototyping community to encourage makers to bring their ideas […]

Star Rapid Talks About Scale, Manufacturing And Measurement

We will assume that if you’re reading this then you fit the general profile of a creative, intelligent person of good taste and breeding. You’re also interested in engineering, science and technology, all of which we applaud. Well, prepare to have your mind blown. When working with product design and manufacturing, whether it be for […]

Our Top 6 Picks For Movies With Machine Tools

© 2010 Universal Studios. All Rights Reserved.

We all know how much Hollywood loves to glamorize some lives over others. How many movies can you think of that tell us all about the fast-paced, exciting and sexy world of Wall Street bankers, slick big-city lawyers, Washington politicians and, of course, cops. Take almost any subset of a complex and diverse workforce and […]

Designing The Perfect Music System

There’s no more sure-fire way to kick up a cloud of dust among music lovers than to bring up the old digital-vs-analog argument. It’s almost as bad as asking who’s the greatest rock guitarist, or which Beatles album is the best (answer: all of them). No matter what you say, someone is going to disagree, […]

Star Rapid Joins The 2015 “Sunshine Is Beside You” Charity Party

On June 28th, Star Rapid was happy to participate once again in the “Sunshine is Beside You” charity party. As loyal readers already know, this has been an especially memorable and auspicious year. Our own Jerry Grey has already been featured here, having completed his epic journey from Zhongshan to Urumqi, by bicycle, to raise […]

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