5 Reasons Why Self-Driving Cars Will Create Heaven On Earth

In this first of a two-part essay, we’ll discuss some of the technologies of and advantages to self-driving, autonomous vehicles. This subject has been bandied about quite a bit over the last few years, and now of course Google is investing some very real money into trying to make so-called driverless cars a reality, so […]
5 Great Ways To Get Started In Design

Think about the products you use on a daily basis. Whether they’re physical products like laptops or digital ones like apps, we’re surrounded by innovative product design examples everywhere we look. These products represent the work of product designers. From a consumer perspective, we only see the end result and don’t know what took place […]
Maker’s Mark

Back in the day, American public schools had a varied curriculum to provide to their students. In addition to the traditional courses in math, history, geography and English literature, there would be elective courses in one of several practical or shop-related skills: wood and metalworking, electronics, or small engine repair for example. These skills were […]
Cool Things About Zhongshan

We at Star Rapid are very fond of our adopted hometown and we’re proud to play a role in keeping it a nice place to live and work. From time to time we’d like to keep all of you updated on recent events happening in and around town. The Zhongshan Foreign Affairs Council is a […]
Designs That Need A Redesign

Last time we talked about what goes into a perfect design. This time we look at some common everyday objects that could use a bit of redesign. All of the following have served their purposes admirably over the years, answering a felt need and in the process becoming ubiquitous in the modern world. But with […]
Can You Build a Better Mousetrap?

Deng Xiaoping famously said that it doesn’t matter if the cat is black or white, so long as it catches mice. And when it comes to catching mice, nothing except the cat has done the job better than the humble mousetrap. We present it here not because we’re enemies of Mus musculus but simply to […]