The 5 Most Common Methods for Applying Textures to Injection Molding Tools

Surface textures and patterns applied to plastic injection molded parts are becoming more sophisticated and complex. These advancements are exciting because they offer so many new design options for product developers and engineers. But before a finished part can be made, the injection molding tool must first be carefully manufactured. So how do manufacturers apply […]
Why Micro Molding Is Ideal for Small Medical Products

Micro molding is a specialized form of plastic injection molding for making parts on a very small scale. How small? Finished components can easily weigh less than 1 g and measure smaller than 1 mm in cross-section. How can this help you? To understand the many benefits of micro molding for small plastic parts, we […]
4 Benefits of Plastic Injection Molding for Medical Devices: How Injection Molded Medical Devices Can Help You

Every day around the world in hospitals and clinics, research laboratories, and universities, numerous plastic products are used for medical parts, devices, appliances, and support equipment. The variety of applications for injection-molded devices is almost limitless. This is due to the fact that plastic injection molding is perfect for making high volumes of identical, close-tolerance […]
Product Applications Help You Find the Plastic That’s Right for You

When developing a new product, there are so many different types of plastic available to use. Choosing the right one depends on application-specific criteria. In our experience, developers should consider if the plastic material is food safe, impact resistant, flexible, engineering grade, fire retardant or biocompatible. The below are our recommendations on the most common […]
How To Choose The Right Material For Plastic Injection Mold Tools

Plastic caps When considering plastic injection molding for a project, product designers and engineers should consider not only what thermoforming or thermoplastic resin to use but also the choice of metal for the injection mold tool. The choice of tooling raw material influences production lead times, cycle times, finished part quality and cost, among other […]
How Pressure Affects Your Plastic Injection Molded Parts

There are many forms of pressure involved in making a plastic injection molded part. We’ve explained the importance of clamping pressure before, so now let’s look at three others: injection, holding, and back pressure. Why is this important to you? Because balancing these forces correctly is one of the keys to making consistently good parts. […]