Star Receives Engineering Award from BUILD Magazine
With a team of dedicated engineers, machinists, designers and support staff, we’re honored to be named, along with our client Gate Labs, a winner of the BUILD Magazine Engineering Excellence Awards. The Engineering Excellence Awards 2017 recognizes various engineering disciplines and rewards firms and individuals for their often unheralded hard work. Star Rapid and Gate […] “3D Printing Rekindles The Spirit of Invention”
Star Rapid’s CEO Jon Ross offers some insights on 3D printing and its ability to encourage people of all ages to get involved in the joy of making things again.
Gordon Styles featured in Assembly Magazine: 3D Printing In Metal
2017 has seen a continuation of the trend in adopting 3D metal printing for demanding industrial applications. This has been especially true in the fields of aerospace, automotive and medical applications, but will undoubtedly disrupt other sectors as this transformative technology becomes more mature and better understood by product designers, engineers and manufacturers.
Discussing 3D Printed Molds in Digital Engineering Magazine
3D printing continues to evolve as one potential solution for making rapid prototype plastic injection mold tooling. There are some limitations to this process and its application and Gordon Styles explain them during an interview with Digital Engineering Magazine.
Gordon Styles Featured in MakePartsFast Podcast
Last week our founder and president Gordon Styles was a guest on Leslie Langnau’s MakePartsFast podcast. In the interview he discussed designing for plastic injection molding as well as 3D printed conformal cooling cores.
Industrial Equipment News: What tolerances can you expect when manufacturing prototypes?
For prototypes and low-volume production, one of the ways to ensure quick turnaround on your parts is by keeping designs simple and not over-engineering them