Quality Control in Manufacturing: Methods, Best Practices, and Implementation

Table of Contents Every manufacturing business has a vested interest in maintaining the highest possible quality control for its customers. However, that can be especially challenging for service providers of low-volume prototypes or custom parts because they deal with a constantly changing array of designs, materials, and processes. The good news is that there are […]
The Complete Guide to Manufacturing Processes

Table of Contents Though the world of parts manufacturing is large and complex, all manufacturing processes use one of four primary production strategies: volume-based production, strategy-based production, platform-based production, and method-based production. Each strategy consists of manufacturing methods showing how virtually everything is made in the modern world. To truly understand these processes, we’ll explore […]
Rapid Prototyping With Polyurethane Vacuum Casting

https://youtu.be/KAUZmNFoa40?feature=shared Many plastic injection molding projects start off by first making a series of rapid prototypes. These are used to further refine the look and feel of the part, to test its functionality, and to improve the design before investing in steel injection mold tools. In this video, Gordon Styles explains why rapid prototyping using […]
Metal 3D Printing – How Does it Work?

What Is Metal 3D Printing? Metal 3D printing is a revolutionary technology that produces impossible-to-make parts directly from CAD data. Advantages to this process include the ability to produce strong, complex geometries, internal lattice structures, conformal cooling channels and other features that cannot be made with traditional machining. Parts can be made quickly with a […]
The Engineer’s Bookshelf: Machinery’s Handbook

Although it’s now digitized on CD-ROM, Machinery’s Handbook still remains The Book to turn to for a vast amount of information relevant not only to machinists but also product designers, tool makers, engineers, inventors and hobbyists who want definitive information about how things are made with machine tools. Let’s take a closer look at its […]
How 3D Printing Is Being Used In Medicine, Part 2

In Part One we looked at the use of advanced 3d printing techniques for healing and supporting the vulnerable human frame, including bones, joints and teeth. Now we’ll take a look at the even more challenging applications involving soft tissue, skin, organs and robotic interfaces that blur the line between man and machine. Stem Cells Human […]