3dPrint.com is a thought leader in the field of additive manufacturing, providing news and analysis of every facet of this dynamic industry. Covering all of the major trade shows, emerging technologies, business leaders and new applications, 3Dprint.com has been at the forefront of bringing the most up-to-date information to the Internet and beyond.
Gordon Styles, founder and President of Star Rapid, was recently interviewed by Sarah Anderson Goehrke, the editor of 3dprint.com. Gordon covers a range of topics, including a brief overview of the company’s history, the use of 3D printing for rapid prototyping, and even the influence of Star Trek on inspiring Star’s business philosophy. What does Gordon foresee for the future of Star?
The greatest potential we have as a global company is in the U.S. market. The U.S. is by far the largest single innovator in the world, even today. Although the UK leads the field in published scientific papers, there is little significant investment in science, industry and manufacturing compared to the U.S. Star Rapid is particularly excited about the developments in the field of metal 3D printing. Our service can support customers with a range of projects relating to medical, conformal cooling cores, and many other industries.
Check out the complete interview here. And when you’re ready to put Star’s experience to work for you on your next project, contact us for a free quotation.