Infographic – The CNC Machine

We use multi-axis CNC machines every day to perform a variety of milling, cutting, turning and drilling functions. They are accurate workhorses used to make countless products for every conceivable application. Because of their versatility, CNC machines can be configured in a number of ways. Regardless of their configuration or the products they make, most […]
Advanced Vericut Software Improves Your CNC Machined Parts

CNC machines are controlled by sophisticated CAM software that transforms digital designs into solid parts. But not all programs are alike or produce the best results for every design. To optimize your parts Star Rapid has invested in an additional layer of security called Vericut, the world’s leading virtual simulation software for CNC machining. […]
CNC Materials: How To Choose The Right Materials for CNC Machining

One of the great advantages to using CNC machining is its versatility. That’s because precision CNC milling and turning works successfully with a very wide variety of raw materials to produce finished parts. This gives design engineers many options when it comes to creating prototypes and commercial products. Most CNC turned and milled parts are […]
Our Patented Solutions for Your Product Innovations

We have a dedicated research and development team that never stops creating customized manufacturing solutions for you. In fact, as a registered High-Tech Enterprise, we now have twenty-one manufacturing utility patents, with a further eight in development. These patents demonstrate our commitment to constant improvement and customer satisfaction. Since we make more than a thousand […]
Improving CNC Machined Parts with Thin Film Coatings

One reason Star Rapid recently partnered with Guhring tools of Germany is because of their proven technology in applying thin film coatings to their cutting tools. Let’s look at why these thin films are so important to tool performance and how this translates into improved quality for the CNC machined parts we make for you. […]
How is G-Code Used to Make CNC Machined Parts?

What is G-Code? G-code is a generic term for a programming language used to instruct a numerically-controlled machine tool. It controls all aspects of machine movement including spindle speed, the tool path, how fast to move and where to locate itself in a multi-axis space. Why is it Important to Verify the G-Code? Complex shapes […]