How To Save Money On Your Next CNC Project

There are many ways to improve your design drawings to make them faster, easier and cheaper to CNC machine while maintaining quality. One way is by understanding and optimizing your specifications for corner radii. Sometimes a few minor changes to your corner radii can make a big difference in price and delivery times. Here is […]
Growing a Culture of Quality in China

What does it take to employ world-class quality standards when running your own business out of China?
Custom Colors in Injection Molding – What You Need To Know

Let’s say you’ve got a great new idea for a plastic product and you’ve found a manufacturing partner to help you make it. You don’t need a lot of parts to start out with, but you do need that special custom color which is really going to make the whole thing come alive. Just show […]
7 Techniques For Finishing A Metal Surface

All metal prototyping and CNC machined components will leave behind a pattern of characteristic scratches on the workpiece. These are caused by the type of cutting tool, how sharp it is and the material it’s made from. In some cases these scratches can be ignored but usually to make a truly “finished” part one or more […]
UX Secrets To Improve Your Product Designs And Prototypes

When making a product design and prototype, designers and engineers should bear in mind the lessons of user experience (UX). This is often applied to software design, but it is just as relevant to new product development and manufacturing processes. It’s the key to creating great products that are easy to use and satisfy the […]
What is G-Code, How Does it Work, and Why is it Important For Your Parts?

What is G-Code? G-code is the generic industry term for the computer language that most CNC machines use to control their movements and how they make parts. Let’s look at how we optimize machine programming to make parts faster while improving their quality and consistency. Haas front panel How Does G-code Work? G-code is created […]