Everything You Need to Know About Color

How many colors are there? Most people can see more than ten million distinct colors, hues, shades and tints. That’s a large palette to choose from. In order to get the most benefit from using color in product design, we’ll first explain color theory and terminology. Then we’ll explore ways to use this knowledge for […]

Choose The Right Plastic For Your Next Project

Acrylic tubes can be tinted for many effects

With thousands of plastics on the market, it can be a daunting task to decide which type is the best for your next rapid prototyping or low-volume manufacturing project. When choosing which plastic to use, there are going to be trade-offs between cost, moldability, surface finish, durability, strength and many others. The choice of plastic depends on […]

What Tolerances Can You Expect When Manufacturing Prototypes And Low-Volume Production?

When you supply your 2D and 3D drawings for a quotation on a new project, you must specify the dimensions for critical areas on your parts, as well as the tolerance that you require. Very tight tolerances are neither practical nor desirable in most instances, so let’s look at the tolerances that we specify at Star Rapid for most projects, why we do that and what it means for your parts.

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