How Can You Prevent Your Product From Being a Failure?

There’s a plethora of reasons for why new products fail. But there are different steps you can take to minimize the risks when developing a new product.
Quality Control For Low-Volume Manufacturing

Gordon Style provides some excellent advice about how to find the right low-volume manufacturer to suit your needs. What to look for on the factory floor, and what questions to ask about their quality control procedures, are essential to getting high quality parts on time. Take a look at the recent article in Design World […]
Testing and Measurement for 3D Prototypes

Read about how Star Rapid uses our advanced metrology equipment and techniques to verify raw materials and measure 3D prototypes in this recent article featured in Aerospace Manufacturing and Design. This publication is at the forefront in profiling the industry trends and business leaders driving innovation in this demanding field.
Weights, Measures And The Story Of The Kilogram

Star Rapid talks about the foundations of metrology and the special case of measuring how heavy something is. This lovely platinum/iridium cylinder is a kilogram. In fact, it’s the kilogram, as kept under very controlled conditions at the International Bureau of Standards near Paris, France. It forms the basis for the standard unit of mass, […]
Understanding Surface Roughness for Product Development

Surface roughness is often described by the term Ra but many of our clients are unsure about what this means, how it’s measured and why it’s important to their product’s designs. So here we’d like to remove any mystery so you’re better able to specify exactly the type of surface roughness you want and need […]
How to Use the PolyMax Gun to Identify Plastic

Are You Getting The Plastic You Asked For? With so many different types of plastic on the market, being able to correctly identify each one is critical for getting the right results when manufacturing a new product. But what’s the best way to identify plastic material accurately and repeatably, when so many kinds look and feel the same […]