The Art Of Designing Surface Finishes For Your Product


How a part looks, feels and functions is highly dependent on surface finish and key to designing a successful product. Knowing how to choose the best finish is a matter of asking the right questions about who will use it, for what purpose and in what environment. Here are some questions to ask yourself to […]

What are the Top Passivation Techniques?

Anodized titanium

What Does Passivation Mean? Passivation means to alter the chemical structure of a metal at or just below the surface, so that it’s more stable and doesn’t want to react with other elements in an undesirable way. There are several different manufacturing processes that we routinely use to passivate the surface of a part. The […]

7 Techniques For Finishing A Metal Surface

Aluminum sanding processes

All metal prototyping and CNC machined components will leave behind a pattern of characteristic scratches on the workpiece. These are caused by the type of cutting tool, how sharp it is and the material it’s made from. In some cases these scratches can be ignored but usually to make a truly “finished” part one or more […]

Making Surface Textures with Machine Tools

To get the right look and feel on your new product, you need to be able to not only define what kind of surface texture you want but also what technique you want us to use to create it. This will save time, money and frustration on your next project. Different techniques have different purposes, […]

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